
A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.

在格雷琴·舍勒(Gretchen Scherer)最伟大的画作中,你可以漫步在罗马郊外的博尔盖塞美术馆精致的大厅,或者走进英国斯坦福伯利庄园的更衣室,你将拥有这一切。这位位于布鲁克林的艺术家用油画和亚克力精心描绘了历史性的室内,强调了壁画天花板、巴洛克壁龛和沙龙风格的艺术收藏。谢勒主要关注欧洲各地的真实地点,她对建筑细节和实物所揭示的有关谁住在那里的故事着迷。她说:“我发明了很多东西,但它们看起来并不完全像它们来自的地方。这更像是你在去那里之前可能会在脑海中记住一个空间或想象它的方式。”

A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.



A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.A colorful painting of a historic interior with dozens of paintings.